How to bang more local MILFs
If you want to bang more local MILFs, you don’t really have your work cut out for you. In fact, it’s not that big of a mystery. You have to understand that having sex through online resources has taken a lot of the guesswork out of getting pussy. Unfortunately, a lot of guys let the process defeat them. In fact, a lot of guys are labouring under mistaken assumptions and have all these unrealistic expectations. They really are making the game much harder on themselves. It doesn’t have to be this way. Why? The harder you make it for yourself, the worse your results would be. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you want to bang more local MILFs you need to register right here, you only need to pay attention to the following factors.
Play the numbers game
If you don’t want to play the numbers game, you have no business looking for any kind of pussy online. I’m not just talking about just MILFs, I’m also talking about dwarves, midgets, black women, Asian women, Latina women, blonde women, you name it. You have no business looking for female human pussy online. Seriously. If you do not want to play the numbers game, get out of the dating game. It really is that simple. Why? The online dating game is all about the numbers game. You have to send out one thousand message requests to maybe get a handful of responses. Of these handful of responses, only maybe one or even none would end up hooking up with you. That’s just the reality you need to face head on. Otherwise, you’re just going to be setting yourself up for disaster. Eventually, you’re going to be joining that army of guys who complain that they can’t get any pussy online. It’s all about the numbers game. You have to have the inner strength and fire in the belly to make it happen.
Hit them in groups
Do you know how getting pussy works? Most pussies are actually gotten and conquered the same way as business contacts are conquered: through referrals. Seriously. If you bang a woman and she is part of a group, chances are she will talk a good game about you. After all, she can only praise you to the high heavens if you’re the only guy that can make her come five times in one single night. Word does get around and guess what, all these older women who are sexually liberated will start pounding down your door because they want to come five times a night as well.