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Month: April, 2017

Strategies for mastering adult hookup sites

Just like with anything else in life, you have to plan to win. As the old saying goes, if you fail to plan, you’re actually planning to fail.  This applies to looking for a new career, getting promoted more often, building a net worth, establishing better relationships and otherwise building a better life.  This also applies, believe it or not, to adult hookup sites.  If you are the typical dude and you join these types of websites and try to do things by the seat of your pants, what do you think will happen?  I’m telling you right now it’s going to end badly.

Seriously, this is going to bounce around from chick to chick, try to chase your own tail.  In many cases, you end up barking up the wrong tree.  After spending all that time, effort and emotional energy, what do you think will be the result?  That’s right.  You’ll enjoy the same level success you’re currently enjoying.

Now, you might actually be outraged to hear this.  The main reason why you joined in the first place is to increase the amount of hookups you have, right?  You’re also looking for consistency and quality. You get none of that if you do things by the seat of your pants, if you approach this in a very casual or even sloppy way.  So, what’s my point? My point is simple: plan to win.  You have to adopt the right strategies, adopt a few tricks from famed Chinese strategist Sun Tzu.  How do you do this? 

First, prepare.  Look at what everybody else is doing and do something different.  You see, most guys are settling for crumbs.  Most guys are chasing after a small group of women when there are tons of other women out there that nobody’s paying attention to. 

Second, use the right weapons.  You see, a lot of dudes think that all chicks respond to certain lines and certain signals.  By simply experimenting and figuring out what chicks really respond to, you can increase your likelihood of success.  You see, a lot of guys are not very creative thinkers at all.  In fact, most of them are sheep.  They just do the exact same things everybody else is doing.  In that situation, it’s very hard to rise above the crowd.  You’re just another pretty face in the crowd.  By simply choosing to go against the grain and bucking the trend, you increase your likelihood of success.